zambia mining laws legislation

zambia mining laws legislation

  • Mining Law 2021 | Laws and Regulations | Zambia | ICLG

    Oct 09, 2020· The primary law governing the mining sector in Zambia is the Mines and Minerals Development Act No 11 of 2015 of the Laws of Zambia (MMDA) as read together with the Mines and Minerals Development (Amendment) Act No 14 of 2016For companies interested in mining operations, or the opening of mining companies, in Zambia, the Zambian Ministry of Mines, under which the Chamber of Mines is located, is the first port of call It is important that mining companies in Zambia know and understand the basic law governing the Zambia miningMining legislation Zambia Mining

  • Mines and Minerals Act, Cap 213 | Zambia Legal Information

    2 (1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requiresInterpretation "access agreement" means an agreement entered into between the holder of a mining right and any owner or occupier of land over which the right subsists, for the regulation of prospecting, mining or other activities authorised by the mining right to be carried on upon the land;ENACTED by the Parliament of Zambia PART I PRELIMINARY 1 This Act may be cited as the Mines and Minerals Development Act, 2015, and shall come into operation on 1st July, 2015 2 (1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires— “ access agreement ” means an agreement entered into between the holder of a mining right and an owner orThe Mines and Minerals Act, 2015

  • Mining Legislation and Mineral Development in Zambia

    mon law and Zambian legislationand describes Zambia's approach to mining rights Part III describes the requirements for various types of mining licenses, the nature of a mining interest, and the obligations of a mining right holder Finally, this Article concludes that, on the whole, the Mines and Minerals Act of 1976 successfully promotes theZambia Mining and Environmental Remediation and Improvement Project (ZMERIP) Preparatory Assistance Project Advance for Mining Sector Capacity Development in Zambia (PAPAMSCDIZ) African Caribbean and Pacific Countries (ACPEU) Minerals Development ProjectMining Regulations Ministry of Mines and Mineral Development

  • Zambia Mining & Environmental Law & Regulations

    The 2015 Mines and Minerals Development Act has introduced areas of ambiguity and discretion that were agreeably absent from Zambia’s 2008 mining laws Moreover, the 2015 law has retained grains of nationalism which infiltrated the previous code, enshrining potential inefficiency for a developer, such as the need for consent to export mineralGOVERNMENT OF ZAMBIA ACT No 7 of 2008 Date of Assent: 27/03/08 An Act to revise the law relating to the prospecting for, mining and processing of minerals; to repeal and replace the Mines and Minerals Act, 1995; and to provide for matters connected with or incidental to the foregoing [4th April, 2008] ENACTED by the Parliament of Zambia PARTIZAMBIA AFRICAN MINING LEGISLATION ATLAS

  • Mining Legislation and Mineral Development in Zambia

    accepted for inclusion in Cornell Law Faculty Publications by an authorized administrator of Scholarship@Cornell Law: A Digital Repository For more information, please Recommended Citation Ndulo, Muna, "Mining Legislation and Mineral Development in Zambia" (1986)Cornell Law Faculty Publications Paper 67 httpJul 04, 2019· A brief overview of the primary environmental regulations applicable to mining activities in Zambia, including environmental review, permitting and remediationEnvironmental regulations for mining activities in Zambia

  • Mining Rights in Zambia SAIPAR

    Companies Act, Chapter 686 of the Laws of Zambia ss 12,14,15, and 112 213 ss 29,90,120, 219 Constitution of Zambia, Appendix 3 of the Laws of Zambia (1965 ed) s18 131 Constitution of Zambia Act, 1973 s54 159 Copper (Export Tax) Act, Chapter 669 of the Laws of ZambiaSep 21, 2020· Lusaka Zambia: Acting Mines Director in the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development, Brighton Kateka says the government is in the process of revising the mines andZambia : Government to Revise Mines and Minerals Act

  • Environmental regulations for mining activities in Zambia

    Jul 04, 2019· A brief overview of the primary environmental regulations applicable to mining activities in Zambia, including environmental review, permitting and remediationobtained from the mining companies by demanding that the existing companies Zambianise mining posts at all levels as rapidly as possible5 This was despite a 1963 United Nations Economic Com* Acting Dean, Unza School of Law, Lusaka, Zambia; LLB, Zambia, 1970; LLM, Harvard, 1971; DRequirement of Domestic Participation in New Mining

  • Ministry of Mines and Mineral Development

    latest news press statement by hon richard musukwa, mp – minister of mines and minerals development on mineral production for the year 2020 february 23, 2021; mines minister honFor 2 decades, Zambia’s mining sector has experienced significant foreign interest and investment driven mainly by the privatization of stateowned Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines (“ZCCM”), a low taxation environment and low political interference Zambia is in possession of some of the world’s highestgrade copper depositsZambia Country mining guide assetskpmg

  • The Mines Regulations 2014

    1 The Mines Regulations 2014 have replaced all previous legislation specifically relating to health and safety in mines Their aim is to protect mineworkers and others from the significant hazards inherent to mining This publication provides practical advice on how to comply with the requirements ofThe basic essence of mining law in most African countries is similar, being a state licencing system, but each country has its own local laws, customs, practices and guidelines LEX Africa is the first and largest African legal alliance with a long history of assisting clients across the continent It is hopedGUIDE TO MINING REGIMES IN AFRICA


    190 LAW IN ZAMBIA A person born in Zambia after the commencement of this Constitution whose father is an established resident becomes a citizen of Zambia at the tim hies birth of , ceases to be a Zambian upon attaining the age of twentytwo years, unless (a) after attainingAFRICAN MINING LEGISLATION ATLAS Adopted by the African Heads of State at the February 2009 African Union summit, the Africa Mining Vision outlines the continent’s long term and broad development objectives for Africa’s mineral sector GUIDING TEMPLATE ABOUT AMLAAFRICAN MINING LEGISLATION ATLAS

  • The Mining Policy Framework IISD

    mining legislation and policymaking and pillarspecific findings in the hopes of identifying areas of common strength and weakness Given that these findings are taken from a limited sample of just three assessments, they should not be interpreted 1 Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (2013)Explosives Act An Act to make provision for regulating control over the manufacture, use, possession, storage, importation, exporta tion, transportation and destruction of explosives; and to provide for matters incidental thereto or connected therewithExplosives Act | National Assembly of Zambia

  • Mining in Zambia Lexology

    Jul 04, 2019· There is generally one regime for administering all mining rights (the Mines Act) and another regime for administering all surface rights in Zambia Chapter 184 of the Lands Act, Laws of ZambiaThe Food Reserve Agency has over a number of years been criticised due to the huge fiscal burden that the it has placed on the government The main purpose of this paper is to show how the proposed amendments to be made to the Food Reserve Act Chapter 225 of the Laws of Zambia; would severley undermine the development of Zambia's agricultural sector should the government proceed with theseZambia Legal Information Institute | Free Access to Law

  • Zambia : Government to Revise Mines and Minerals Act

    Sep 21, 2020· Lusaka Zambia: Acting Mines Director in the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development, Brighton Kateka says the government is in the process of revising the mines and"smallscale mining licence" means a smallscale mining licence granted under Part IV; "ZCCM" means Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Limited (As amended by No 2 of 2000, Act No5 of 2003 and Act No 4 of 2006) (2) A reference, in any provision of th is Act, to an authorised officer is aCHAPTER 213 MINES AND MINERALS ACT Vacant

  • Environmental regulations for mining activities in Zambia

    Jul 04, 2019· A brief overview of the primary environmental regulations applicable to mining activities in Zambia, including environmental review, permitting and remediationMining Legislation and Mineral Development in Zambia ZAMBIAN MINING LEGISLATION land' and the Mines and Minerals Act of 1976, Chapter 329 of the Laws of Zambia2 The Mines and Minerals Act repealed precolonial AN OUTLINE OF SELECT MINING POLICY AND 3 7 Mining Health and Safety In most countries mining legislation provide for safety andmining legislation in zambia ciaacademy

  • Ministry of Mines and Mineral Development

    Latest Speeches and Press Releases President Lungu Addresses Parliament On National Values And Principles Official 2021 Budget Speech Speech for the official opening of the fifth session of the Twelfth National Assembly by his Excellency Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, Friday 11th September, 2020Jul 04, 2019· Zambia is planning a law to compel mining companies to give local suppliers a fair share of procurement, its mines minister said on Thursday, in the latest sign of the government taking anZambia plans law compelling miners to procure


    The basic essence of mining law in most African countries is similar, being a state licencing system, but each country has its own local laws, customs, practices and guidelines LEX Africa is the first and largest African legal alliance with a long history of assisting clients across the continent It is hopedAFRICAN MINING LEGISLATION ATLAS Adopted by the African Heads of State at the February 2009 African Union summit, the Africa Mining Vision outlines the continent’s long term and broad development objectives for Africa’s mineral sector GUIDING TEMPLATE ABOUT AMLAAFRICAN MINING LEGISLATION ATLAS

  • The Mining Policy Framework IISD

    mining legislation and policymaking and pillarspecific findings in the hopes of identifying areas of common strength and weakness Given that these findings are taken from a limited sample of just three assessments, they should not be interpreted 1 Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (2013)Explosives Act An Act to make provision for regulating control over the manufacture, use, possession, storage, importation, exporta tion, transportation and destruction of explosives; and to provide for matters incidental thereto or connected therewithExplosives Act | National Assembly of Zambia

  • Zambia’s Policy Framework for Investment

    have been granted investor status under the Lands Act or any other law pertaining to investment in Zambia A land information system is in place and covers registration of land ownership, and transactions related to surveying, allocating and securing land titles However, implementation has been slow, and the system is still ineffective(c) Laws, statutes and regulations related to the operations of sectoral regulators and other institutions whose activities affect the implementation of competition law and policy in Zambia The factfinding visit to Zambia was undertaken during the period 16 – 23 October 2011, where interviews were carried out with various stakeholders 1VOLUNTARY PEER REVIEW OF COMPETITION LAW AND


    May 08, 2021· Njase named the other charges as undertaking a project without written approval of the Environmental Impact Assessment contrary to section 29 (1) of the Environmental Management Act number 12 of 2011 and illegal mining and exploration which is contrary to section 12 (2) of the Mines and Minerals Act number 11 of 2015 of the Laws of ZambiaThis was one of the first business rescues brought under the new South African Companies Act, 2008, and is regarded as one of the biggest and most successful business rescues to date The matter involved banking and finance law, corporate law, business restructuring law, litigation and mining law issuesMining Law in South Africa | Mining Legislation | Mining

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