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    498 AL 505 Litio 204 FUGRO 496 Yodo 201 FULCRO ABC 622 Litio 230 FUNDIÇÃO ALTIVO 526 Y 539 Yodo 215 FUNDICIÓN FERROSA 144A Cobre 115 FUNDICIÓN LAS ROSAS SA 110 Cobre 106 G4S REGIONES SA 200 Cobre 134 GECAMIN 464 Yodo 193 GEMINI MACHINE 552A Yodo 219 GENERAL KINEMATICS CORPORATION 89A Cobre 102 GENIALE GROUP SPA 588A Litio 72Publishing platform for digital magazines, interactive publications and online catalogs Convert documents to beautiful publications and share them worldwide Title: Livro Dner Glossário Termos Técnicos Rodoviários 2018, Author: José Antonio Gonçalves ' ,Livro Dner Glossário Termos Técnicos Rodoviários 2018

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    descripcion ingles nonvibrating flare, torch arc torch, electric torch cutting torch oxyacetylene torch oxyacetylene torch flares anthracite knotting annular, annulus buzzer buzzer face face advance (v) the spark off thermal cutout dead ash tray snuffer, extinguisher, light switch arc quencher ash tray snuffer cut(v)out,extinguish (v),quench(vСomentários Transcrição MINISRO DOS TRANSPORTES: DAERRSMINISRO DOS TRANSPORTES: DAERRS Cobertura

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