blasting pattern in opencast iron mines
Drilling and blasting are the major unit operations in opencast mining Inspite of the best efforts to introduce mechanization in the opencast mines, blasting continue to dominate the production Therefore to cut down the cost of production optimal fragmentation from properly designed blasting pattern has to be achieved34 Drilling pattern 1516 35 Blasting Pattern Followed in Opencast Mines 16 351 Single row firing pattern 16 352 Multi Row firing pattern 17 353 Beside cut pattern other pattern of blasting in multiple row of firing are as given below 1819 CHAPTER 02: GROUND VIBRATION 41 Blast Vibration 21 42 Ground Vibration 21BLAST VIBRATION MONITORING IN OPENCAST MINES
In opencast mining both vertical and inclined holes practiced with the bench face The holes drilled in a row may be single or multiple So those two patterns are used, mainly in the opencast mines They are: a) Single row blasting pattern b) Multi row blasting pattern Single row blasting pattern:Drilling and blasting are the major unit operations in opencast mining Inspite of the best efforts to introduce mechanization in the opencast mines, blasting continue to dominate the production Therefore to cut down the cost of production optimal fragmentation from properly designed blasting pattern has to be achieved Proper adoption of drilling and blasting can contribute significantlyOptimization of blasting parameters in opencast mines
Blasting Techniques Adopted in Opencast Mines: Efficient blasting should give such rock fragmentation as to eliminate the need for secondary blasting The fragmented rock should be easily handled by the bucket of the shovel For mineral which has to go to crushers, the size should not be more than the input size for primary crusherBlasting Pattern In Opencast Iron Mines Mining Heavy Blasting pattern in opencast iron mines comes from surface mining whereas iron ore line bauxite and most non to establish a procedure for monitoring ground vibration at opencast mines variation in rock types and blast design patterns over the corresponding period read moreOpen Cast Coal Mining Blasting Pattern SOF Mining
In opencast mines, The design of blasting patterns is specif ic to not only the explosives that are being used, but also to the rock or ore type that is beingthan one face so that simple blasting patterns can be used to remove the rock In the illustration that follows (Figure 84) shows a typical bench cut with two free faces and fired with one delay per row Figure 85 indicates that the direction of throw of the blasted rock can be controlled by varying the delay patternChapter 8 BLAST DESIGN NPS
1 Introduction Blasting is one of the most pervasive excavation methods in mining and civil engineering projects Since blastinduced ground vibration has an inevitable impact on rock mass as well as nearby structures and human beings, the prediction of blastinduced vibration and assessment of its effects must be performed prior to actual blasting activitiesIn opencast mines, The design of blasting patterns is specif ic to not only the explosives that are being used, but also to the rock or ore type that is being fragm ented(PDF) ROCK BLASTING FOR MINING ResearchGate
Blasting Pattern In Opencast Iron Mines The surface mines blast patterns are established through trial blasts The blast pattern proposed from trial blast often fails to achieve the required blast results Thus it is felt necessary to develop a software for surface blast design based on the methodology proposed by opencast iron ore miningExtraction operation of iron ore in the studied mines are done by opencast mining Extraction stages include drilling operations, blasting, loading and hauling Hole drilling is done by rotary and percussion machinery in different diameter (165, 200 and 251 mm)In these mines, blast holes are controlled in ANFO (in dry conditions) and Emulite (for aqueous conditions) as the main explosive, andBlastability evaluation for rock mass fragmentation in
At the end of the openpit mining process in large metal mines, the mining model must change from openpit mining to underground mining, but the mutual interference between the two mining models leads to poor production safety conditions and difficulties in production convergence during the transition period To solve these technical problems of poor production safety conditions anddrilling and blasting pattern that produces the most suitable fragmentation of the blasted ore and hence minimize the total cost of the mining operations Key words: The case study in this paper is done on one of the largest iron ore mine of Iran, Gole Gohar, which is located in the southwest of SirjanKerman Ore body of iron ore mine isPrediction of Rock Fragmentation in Open Pit Mines
Flyrock due to blasting in opencast mines is complex in nature as it is a random phenomenon Raina et al, 2007 , Raina et al, 2011 attempted to devise a criterion for prediction of blastinduced flyrock distances and focused on the factors on which the phenomenon of flyrock dependsSolid blasting in mining is a method used for blasting in coal faces It consists of 12 to 15 shot holes, drilled in a pattern in the coal face equal to the gallery width Certain explosives and millisecond delay detonators are used for solid blastingBlasting Practices in Mining – what you need to know
than one face so that simple blasting patterns can be used to remove the rock In the illustration that follows (Figure 84) shows a typical bench cut with two free faces and fired with one delay per row Figure 85 indicates that the direction of throw of the blasted rock can be controlled by varying the delay patternjapie@highpointmining Actively involved in the mining industry since 1971 Obtained Mine Overseer certificate in 1981 Mine Manager on several projects (Extrata Atcom, Nkomati Antracite) Opencast and Underground (Fiery Mines) blasting certificates Drill Pattern Designer inMining Qualifications | Highpoint Opencast Mining Services
Drilling Patterns :Wedge Cut Pyramid Cut Drag Cut Fan Cut Burn Cut Coromant Cut Ring Drilling Wedge Cut:इस pattern में 2 से 4 pairs of holes wedge बनाते हुए drill करते है । Centre के दोनों तरफ से hole को लगभग 45° angle बनाते हुए drill करते है जो line के पास backBlasting Pattern In Opencast Iron Mines The surface mines blast patterns are established through trial blasts The blast pattern proposed from trial blast often fails to achieve the required blast results Thus it is felt necessary to develop a software for surface blast design based on the methodology proposed by opencast iron ore miningBlasting Pattern In Opencast Mining krasnaprace
Extraction operation of iron ore in the studied mines are done by opencast mining Extraction stages include drilling operations, blasting, loading and hauling Hole drilling is done by rotary and percussion machinery in different diameter (165, 200 and 251 mm)In these mines, blast holes are controlled in ANFO (in dry conditions) and Emulite (for aqueous conditions) as the main explosive, andThere are three types of exploder used in Indian mines ie Magneto (or Dynamo) Exploder, Battery condenser Exploder and Condenser dynamo Exploder 323 Blasting Pattern Followed in Opencast Mines In opencast mines both vertical andOptimization of Blasting Parameters in open cast mines
drilling and blasting pattern that produces the most suitable fragmentation of the blasted ore and hence minimize the total cost of the mining operations Key words: The case study in this paper is done on one of the largest iron ore mine of Iran, Gole Gohar, which is located in the southwest of SirjanKerman Ore body of iron ore mine isEnvironmental Science 2013 The purpose of blasting in openpit mines is achieving a desired fragment size distribution, considering safety and environmental aspects Regarding economic aspects, fragmentation plays a critical Expand 1 New blasting methods to aBlasting principles for open pit mining | Semantic Scholar
blasting, crushing, Hematite, Iron ore, magnetite, open pit mining, screening, underground mining, Understanding Iron Ores and Mining of Iron Ore Iron Fe is an abundant and a widely distributed element in the in the crust of the earth, constituting on an average ranging from 2 to 3 in sedimentary rocks to 85 in basalt and gabbroFlyrock due to blasting in opencast mines is complex in nature as it is a random phenomenon Raina et al, 2007 , Raina et al, 2011 attempted to devise a criterion for prediction of blastinduced flyrock distances and focused on the factors on which the phenomenon of flyrock dependsPrediction of blastinduced flyrock in Indian limestone
Twin Cities Mining Research Center, Minneapolis, Minn US Department of Interior Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Kenneth K Eltschlager Mining/Explosives Engineer Blasting pattern dimensions for Ohio, Adams County, Quarry No 111 3 Blasting pattern dimensions for Ohio, Highland County,SURFACE MINE BLASTING Proceedings: Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Seminar, Chicago, IL, April 15, 1987 Compiled by Staff, Bureau of Mines ABSTRACT The Bureau of Mines has sponsored a comprehensive research program to enhance the safe, effective, and efficient use of blasting technology by the mining industrySurface Mine Blasting OSMRE
Drilling Patterns :Wedge Cut Pyramid Cut Drag Cut Fan Cut Burn Cut Coromant Cut Ring Drilling Wedge Cut:इस pattern में 2 से 4 pairs of holes wedge बनाते हुए drill करते है । Centre के दोनों तरफ से hole को लगभग 45° angle बनाते हुए drill करते है जो line के पास back
interna de trituradoras de mandíbula máquina de arena artificial bangalore hmolinos de rodillos para abracivos recherche concasseur mobile marché japonais operation hammer mill piedra de talco crusher parts auxiliare precio molino industrial ecuador Iron Ore Crusher Micshine trituradora de mandíbula de principios operativos pdf Mobile Cone Crusher Hydraulic Circuits qfd de una maquina manufacturers in south africa pl 7000 vertical chancadora deimpacto proveedor maquinas trituradoras en argentina política de gobierno para el mini cemento a pequeña escala indu carbón de indonesia lista de las empresas mineras en trituradora planta 2013 Price Of Super Hammer Mill coffey mining south africa precio de los molinos de tambor aplastamiento racion de trituradoras de mandibulas para el mineral de hierro muela de chancadora undesa trituración cribado de piedra grano trituradoras tamiz tipo de equipo de procesamiento de mineral de antimonio peruano fluxograma de processo para produção de ouro piedra caliza esculturas usadas cost seismic refraction mining survey nueva condicion que separa la maquina piedra espiral Ilmenite trituradoras de Minerales crusher spare hydrocone