cerro verde hpgr sizing

cerro verde hpgr sizing

  • HPGR High Pressure Grinding Rolls

    A Cerro Verde expansion used a similar flowsheet as the 2006commissioned circuit to triple circuit capacity The expansion circuit includes eightcommissioning, the HPGR roller wear life was found to average 5,000 hours with expectations to achieve 6,000 hours with improved profile design (Hart, Parker, Rees, Manesh, & Mcgaffin, 2011) Figure 2 – Cerro Verde comminution circuit (Vanderbeek, 2006) Cerro Verde has a design capacity of 108,000 t/d of hard coppermolybdenum ore (average BWiCREATIVE AND SIMPLER HPGR CIRCUITS MAY INCREASE

  • High Pressure Grinding Rolls (HPGR)

    Mine Operations Using HPGR • Freeport McMoran, Cerro Verde, Peru – 24 m Dia x 17 m wide, 5 MW (2x25), processing 2,500 tph • Freeport McMoran, Grasberg Mine, Irian Jaya, Indonesia – 20 m Dia x 18 m wide, 36 MW, processing 1,450 tph • Nurkazgan Gold, Kazakhstan – 17 m Dia x 14 m wide, 23 MW, processing 1,000 tph•Freeport McMoRan Grasberg and Cerro Verde (copper) In addition pilot and commercialscale HPGR tests have been conducted at: • Boddington, WA (goldcopper) • Cyprus Sierrita, AZ (copper, 1994–1995) • Mt Todd, NT (gold) • Lone Tree, NV (gold) • Pilot plant tests at several mining company laboratoriesHow energy efficient is HPGR? ceecthefuture


    came into operation in Cerro Verde mine in 2006 and have the longest service life by now Mogalakwena began using one HPGR Polycom22/16 in 2008, and four HPGR Polycom24/17 have been operated in Boddington mine since 2009 UDC 622732 M KESSLER, E BURCHARDT (ThyssenKrupp Resource Technology) HIGH PRESSURE GRINDING ROLLS—A PROMISINGExamples are SM Cerro Verde (Vanderbeek, 2006), which was started up in 2007, and Boddington (Dunne et al, 2007), commissioned in 2009 Another significant driver is the relative stability in throughput rate and product size achieved by crusherbased circuitsA preliminary investigation into the feasibility of a

  • Metallurgium

    HPGR at Cerro Verde Flowsheet Innovation •Example 2 –TenkeFungurume, DRC TenkeFungurume Project, DRC Flowsheet Innovation •Example 3 –Chino, New Mexico Stirred Vertimills at Chino, New Mexico Energy Efficiency in Copper Extraction 2008 Study1 Purpose:Cerro Verde HPGR Rolls with top sizes ranging from 150 to 250 mm The simulated runofmine ore sizes were leached for more than six months The data collected from(PDF) Energy Efficiency & Copper Hydrometallurgy


    HPGR to analyze the particle behavior in the unit and to predict its sizing information EDEM, a DEM based software, was used to model the pilot scale HPGR unit and single particle compression test was used to evaluate the particle breakage andHISTORIA DE LOS HPGR • El origen de la tecnología HPGR, se remonta a los inicios del siglo XX, donde se utilizó en la briquetización de carbón • En el año 1985 la tecnología fue introducida en la industria del cemento Actualmente, éste es el sector industrial que utiliza mayor cantidad de molinos HPGR en el mundoMOLINOS HPGR Encuentro Metalurgia

  • HPGR Implementation at Cerro Verde | Mill (Grinding) |

    At Cerro Verde HPGR tire wear life is projected conservatively as 6,000 hours is equivalent to SAG mill shell liner lives Based on this, it was felt that HPGR liner wear does not represent a significant technical risk to the implementation of HPGR technologycame into operation in Cerro Verde mine in 2006 and have the longest service life by now Mogalakwena began using one HPGR Polycom22/16 in 2008, and four HPGR Polycom24/17 have been operated in Boddington mine since 2009 UDC 622732 M KESSLER, E BURCHARDT (ThyssenKrupp Resource Technology) HIGH PRESSURE GRINDING ROLLS—A PROMISINGHIGH PRESSURE GRINDING ROLLS—A PROMISING AND


    For the purposes of the Feasibility study, the Polysius 24/17 HPGR model was determined for the circuit This machine is capable of processing 30,000 t/d and is currently in operation at Cerro Verde It is assumed that the HPGR will produce a product with a P 80 of 38 mmHPGR to analyze the particle behavior in the unit and to predict its sizing information EDEM, a DEM based software, was used to model the pilot scale HPGR unit and single particle compression test was used to evaluate the particle breakage andPREDICTING HPGR PERFORMANCE AND

  • A preliminary investigation into the feasibility of a

    Examples are SM Cerro Verde (Vanderbeek, 2006), which was started up in 2007, and Boddington (Dunne et al, 2007), commissioned in 2009 Another significant driver is the relative stability in throughput rate and product size achieved by crusherbased circuits‘Acceptance of the HPGR in the hard rock sector has been slow and cautious, but has come to maturity in the successful commissioning of the Cerro Verde project’ (Morley C, 2008) High pressure grinding roll (HPGR) technology has been the subject of many technical presentations in the minerals comminution fraternity ever since the23 Rule:Template Journal 2/6/09 1:16 PM Page 23 HPGR

  • MOLINOS HPGR Encuentro Metalurgia

    HISTORIA DE LOS HPGR • El origen de la tecnología HPGR, se remonta a los inicios del siglo XX, donde se utilizó en la briquetización de carbón • En el año 1985 la tecnología fue introducida en la industria del cemento Actualmente, éste es el sector industrial que utiliza mayor cantidad de molinos HPGR en el mundoHPGR’s Maintenance Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde SAA Stephen Crosby Sep 2010 PROVEN PERFORMANCE SHINING FUTURE wwwfcx 1 Introduction 2 Key Performance indicators 3 Maintenance practices by major components (Redesign & CBM) a) Rollers b) Bearings c) Wear components d) Hydraulic System e) Reducers f) Major downtime reasons 2 Introduction Cerro Verde Cerro VerdePresentation HPGR Maintenance (17Sep10) Rev1 | PDF

  • El ingreso al cobre de los HPGR Minería Chilena

    El ingreso al cobre de los HPGR Publicado el 22 de julio del 2008 En Chile ya son varias las mineras que están evaluando la adquisición de esta tecnología Codelco, Caserones, Escondida o Los Bronces son algunas de ellas Los molinos de rodillos de alta presión actualmente están demostrando ser una alternativa viable y confiable en losThe 240,000 tpd Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion concentrator design is based on conventional copper sulfide flotation unit operations, replicating the C1 process but includes larger process equipment at a separate location on the mine property The mine is an openpit copper and molybdenum complex near Arequipa, in southern PeruCerro Verde Production Unit Expansion Fluor

  • HPGR Implementation at Cerro Verde | Mill (Grinding) |

    At Cerro Verde HPGR tire wear life is projected conservatively as 6,000 hours is equivalent to SAG mill shell liner lives Based on this, it was felt that HPGR liner wear does not represent a significant technical risk to the implementation of HPGR technology‘Acceptance of the HPGR in the hard rock sector has been slow and cautious, but has come to maturity in the successful commissioning of the Cerro Verde project’ (Morley C, 2008) High pressure grinding roll (HPGR) technology has been the subject of many technical presentations in the minerals comminution fraternity ever since the23 Rule:Template Journal 2/6/09 1:16 PM Page 23 HPGR

  • SAG or HPGR? – The Current Dilemma

    "The development of the Cerro Verde, Amplats Mogalakwena and Boddington projects over the last few years has helped to establish the use of high pressure grinding rolls (HPGR) in comminution circuit designs in largescale hardrock applications The increasing acceptance of this innovative and sometimes controversial technology has had theand commissioned at Cerro Verde (Peru), Mogolokwane (South Africa), and Freeport (Indonesia) with reported energy savings of around 19% over more conventional grinding routes [1] To date, HPGR have been installed as single unit, either in open circuit or closed circuit with a screen A single HPGR unit is typically limited toMultiplepass High Pressure Grinding Rolls Circuits

  • Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion Fluor

    The 240,000 tpd Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion concentrator design is based on conventional copper sulfide flotation unit operations, replicating the C1 process but includes larger process equipment at a separate location on the mine property The mine is an openpit copper and molybdenum complex near Arequipa, in southern PeruSociedad Minera Cerro Verde SAA fue diseñada por la necesidad de procesar sulfuros primarios (Calcopirita y Molibdenita) 12 HISTORIA Las operaciones de la mina Cerro Verde datan del siglo XIX En esa época, los españoles extraían minerales de óxido de cobre de alta ley los que, posteriormente, eran enviados a GalesUNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE SAN AGUSTÍN DE

  • Presentation HPGR Maintenance (17Sep10) Rev1 | PDF

    HPGR’s Maintenance Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde SAA Stephen Crosby Sep 2010 PROVEN PERFORMANCE SHINING FUTURE wwwfcx 1 Introduction 2 Key Performance indicators 3 Maintenance practices by major components (Redesign & CBM) a) Rollers b) Bearings c) Wear components d) Hydraulic System e) Reducers f) Major downtime reasons 2 Introduction Cerro Verde Cerro VerdeWhereas the HPGR drive systems work in accordance with the high demanding requirements for such machines without using tachometers or encoders ABB already supplied mine electrification and various drive systems, also including GMDs and HPGR drives, for the previous greenfield Cerro VerdeABB Wins Major Grinding Drive Systems Order for Cerro


    COMPARISON OF HPGR BALL MILL AND HPGR STIRRED MILL CIRCUITS TO THE EXISTING AG/SAG MILL BALL MILL CIRCUITS by Chengtie Wang BEng, University of Science and Technology Beijing, 2009However, Cerro Verde is increasing its target to 280,000 tpd Just a few weeks ago, one of the managers stated that C2 had a new record of 326,000 tpd! Altogether with the SX plant, C1, and C2, the production can reach over 450,000 tpd After the C2 mill tour, the UBC mining group returned the personal protective equipment and got back on theCerro Verde Mine Tour Wix

    Planta trituradoras móvil para calizas cantera nacional mamera mining hard rock écraser les used australian quarry equipment for sale minerai produits de machines de traitement shaolin móvil chancadoras de impacto instituto chino modelo molino vertical agen crusher manufacturers molinos de martillo el salvador carbón línea trituradora usine de traitement du cacao adaptador 12v 3a industrial triturar composta pequeño triturador ofertas trituradoras oro mobile crusher rm100 use of equipment iso aprobado trituradora vsi calendrier d entretien de la pierre usine de concasseur equipo de minería de oro invierte costo en méxico la arena de la maquina trituradora de suministro molino de caolín motor trituradora poda afiladora de pena para insertos de molienda combien est concasseur a machoiresst c crusher sale crusher machine crusher fabricant des cribles industrials mostrar diapositivas de molinos agroindustriales Molino de impacto en uruguay mandíbula de laboratorio precio trituradora de molino de bolas de peso de la pieza costo deas de hormigonsador triturora cursos de mecanico britador